Touch of Sweetness

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Halloween - it's not too late, right?

Belle & Iron Man had a great Halloween.  Sorry I'm tardy!

Charlotte decorated a pumpkin at the school party! 
Charlotte's friend dressed up as Beast, but she was reluctant to be photographed with him!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


It sold!  The burned out house on Francis Avenue sold!  Woo hoo!

It was purchased by a landlord who turns houses like that one.  We closed last week and we're entirely out.
Finished.  Done.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

More about the house on Francis

Just a quick update here:  We put the house up for sale with realtor who sells homes like ours.  With only two weeks on the market it sold!!  Hooray.  However, while waiting for the payoff of the mortgage to be recorded, the thugs came back again.  Yes.  They ripped the plywood off the back window and stole 100' of 1/2" copper pipe.  Jon estimates they got $10 for what they stole.  But, now our buyers are spooked and, since the house isn't in the condition it was when they signed the paperwork, they can back out.  It infuriates me to think about this.  Stay away from my house!!!  We'll see what happens next.